XRD rocking curve FWHM for your GaN/AlN on sapphire templates

PAM-XIAMEN offer GaN/AlN on sapphire templates,(002) and (102) XRD rocking curve FWHM for template is:
GaN on sapphire: 10um XRD 
FWHM(002)< 150arcsec 
FWHM(102)< 250arcsec 

AlN on sapphire: XRD 
FWHM(002)< 200arcsec 
If you want to view more information about this, you can see below discuss:
Hi, What is your specification for (002) and (102) XRD rocking curve FWHM for your GaN on sapphire and AlN on sapphire templates?

Reported by PAM-XIAMEN

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