a, Preferential polycrystalline morphology of a titanium pre-orienting layer and a LT-GaN nucleation layer. Both layers have a c-axis preferred orientation in the out-of-plane (z) direction and random orientations in the in-plane (x or…

a,b, Bright-field TEM images of LT-GaN, directly grown on a glass substrate (a) and on top of a titanium thin film deposited on a glass substrate (b) reveal the effect of the titanium pre-orienting layer on the (001) preferred growth of…

GaN pyramid arrays in a–e have a dhole value of 2.4 µm. a, Bright-field TEM image of the GaN pyramid showing the predominant and lateral growth mechanism. Inset: selected-area diffraction pattern at the upper part of the pyramid showing…

a, Cathodoluminescence spectra of the GaN pyramid arrays formed on glass and sapphire substrates. The former has a peak wavelength of 364 nm with a FWHM of 16 nm (158 meV), and the latter was directly taken from ref. 27and merged with…
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